One and Done, Why One Child is Just Right for Us

So we have one child, and that will be it.

Seriously. We have truly chosen just to have one, which makes him not just an only child, but an only grandchild as well.

I know the first thought most people have is, “Oh, he must be spoiled!” Actually, with love yes, but materially–no. When deciding we were going to be in the “one and done group” my husband and I went to great efforts to make sure we did not have a spoiled child and sometimes I think because he is an only child he rarely asks for anything, and will actually tell his grandmother to save her money!

My home is not quiet because of having just one child. It is full of children most days, because play-dates are ongoing, and we have cats, a dog, and kids running around much of the time. And when I’m off work and the play-dates go home, the clean-up, dinners, homework, and after-school activities begin. I will not lie, though. I love the quiet times in my home when our son is happily playing on his own, because as he says himself “I need some quiet time after all those kids!”

There are definitely advantages to having a single child, and we probably have more flexibility at times than friends that have larger families, and let’s face it–I never have to say “Just wait a minute! Your brother was talking.” or “Your sister needs me!” and I never hear “Get out of my room! Stop wrecking my stuff!” Although my “boys” sometimes accuse me of playing favorites to our dog Belle–and they’re not completely wrong.

I love being a mom to one. I feel very close to my son, but love that I can also teach him independence: he’s growing up learning to entertain himself, going to coffee shops with the adults, going crazy at parks to make new friends, and sharing his space at home with play-dates.

Our home never feels too quiet or empty. Maybe it is because it is filled with love–just the same as any larger family.

FamilySarah Cosman