Placentophagy & Placenta Encapsulation

The following is a guest post from Through Birth: Placenta Encapsulation Victoria

Placenta-what? Placentophagy is the consumption of the placenta after birth. Placenta Encapsulation is a process where the placenta is dehydrated, powdered, then put into capsules. Don’t worry; this isn’t just some “woo woo hippy thing” either. There are quite a few articles and studies attesting to the benefits of placentophagy.

 Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation:

  1. Increased milk production
  2. Hormonal balance
  3. Increased energy
  4. Helps minimize the “baby blues” and/or postpartum fatigue and depression
  5. Decreased postpartum anemia
  6. Decrease lochia and shortened postpartum bleeding time
  7. Helps the uterus return to it’s pre-pregnant size

The Process

There are two main types of encapsulating: the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method and the Raw method. I practice the TCM method. It is the oldest-known and most commonly used recipe for postpartum placenta preparation.

The TCM process starts off by ‘steaming’ the placenta using ginger and myrrh in the water of the steam-bath. Both of these herbs are warming herbs and complement the properties of the placenta. Ginger is used to help cover the aroma during the steaming process and stops most people from experiencing an aftertaste. Myrrh is used to pull the essence of the placenta back into it. This basically means the myrrh enhances the healing properties of the placenta. After steaming I thinly slice the placenta and place it in the dehydrator. After dehydration I powder it and put it into capsules – “et voila!”

Our hope is that women have access to this information and can access the benefits of placentophagy. In capsule form – it’s not so bad !?

MamaSarah Cosman