Nourishing the New Mama

Growing a baby takes a lot of nutrients!  For nine months, you have been supplying your baby with every bit of goodness it needs to grow and prepare for a brand new life.  After the birth of your baby, it is important to replenish and give yourself the nourishment you need to embrace motherhood. 



One of the main herbs in our MATRAEA Nourishing New Mama Tea is nettle.  A natural superfood that is packed with minerals and vitamins, nettle grows in our own forests and we pick it in the early Spring when it is brimming with health. That intense green lets us know it is packed with healthy chlorophyll. In its dried form, the formic acid (the “sting” part of nettle) evaporates, and we are left with pure delicious goodness. 



Peppermint is another green super herb that gently uplifts and stimulates.  And it just happens to go really well with Nettle! There is some suggestion that mint decreases milk production, however the amount that you would have to drink for this to be is the amounts to a full bathtub!

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle

Going with the flow…. Vervain, Oatstraw and Marshmallow are soft herbs – they calm tension and headaches, protect and ease the gentle flow of breastmilk, comfort the kidneys, and give ease to the bowels.  Blessed Thistle puts its blessing on your breastfeeding experience by encouraging a steady stream of milk for your baby.  

Just think of these herbs as loving friends who are easing your body into a healthy balance, ready to be your best Mama ever!  


Written by Karen Van Dyck, Herbalist and Natural Formulator Extraordinaire!