Posts tagged birth
5 Tips for a Smooth Adjustment to Life with Your New Baby

With each of our children, there are things that I feel like we did very well in the first month and things that we could have done differently that would have helped for a smoother transition, less stress, and more new baby bliss. Here are five insights on simple strategies that can make a big difference those first 30 days with your sweet, new baby! 

Contributed by Kristy Martin Hale, Mother/Writer

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Mama On The Move, Positions for Labour

The journey out from the womb seems like such a short distance, but in reality, navigating the passage through the pelvis is a long journey for a baby! Your muscles, tissue, and bones guide the baby’s positioning throughout labour and birth, and as the baby descends actually assist in signalling when to rotate its head or shoulders or extend to flex its neck.  You can help your baby along the way by changing your positions for labour frequently. 

By Selina Boily, RM

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